We are pleased to announce that we will be resuming Sunday Worship Services on May 10th. That being said, here are a couple of things you will need to know!
Socially distanced Service
Service Times:
- We will have two services at 8:30a.m. & 11a.m.
- There will be no Sunday School, Nursery or Lil' Church offered during these services.
Building Distancing:
- Do not enter the building earlier than 10 minutes before service.
- You will enter through the Alley Door ONLY to avoid bottle necking in the Welcome Center.
- The restrooms are available for Emergency Use only, try not to use them unless you absolutely need to.
- Seating will be arranged and marked to help maintain a 6 foot distance.
Personal Distancing:
- No Handshakes
- No Hugs
- No Holy Kisses
- Parents - Please keeping a close eye on your kids. This will help us stop unwanted contact.
And Lastly:
- If you are in an at risk group or don't feel comfortable, please stay home. We love you and want you to feel safe. We will be continuing to post videos on the website for your convenience.
- If you don't feel you can comply with these social distancing standards, please stay home. We want to provide a safe environment for the church as a whole to gather and worship.